29 Nov 2022

What does this mean?

 It was ok. The hills didn't hurt, my lungs weren't screaming in protest, my calfs behaved. What the hell? 

It was lovely and cold and calm, I had my snood scarf thing around my ears like a proper runner, so that all helped. But I could have challenged myself a bit more and included the loop behind Tesco's. (Such a glamourous route) but I had the choice of not doing it so I didn't. And that, dear reader, is why I will never really improve.

Next time though... 


7m 06s per km

I think the reason it felt OK was that I was going so slowly... That doesn't matter, though, does it? It's the getting out there and running which is the important part... 

6 Nov 2022

Does it ever get easier?

What is it with fitness? I mean, I feel unfit, but in theory, the more I do the fitter I'll get, right? Or is it that if I put in the same effort, I'll go further, faster? What I do know is that fitness wears off and I am pretty much back where I started.

So this morning, I went a tiny bit further than last time and I didn't stop on the hills despite my lungs screaming at me to have a rest. So I feel good about myself for doing that. But it's the feeling of misery, of having to push myself which puts me off heading out. I see people running who seem to be enjoying it - does that mean they're not trying very hard - or, and this is the killer - are they enjoying the misery?

Is there even a thing as a 'runner's high' other than that glorious moment when you get home and take your shoes off?


6m 46s per km

1 Nov 2022

Just going out there and doing it

I have run every day this month, so well done me. 

Not funny, not really. 


6m 57 per km

I mean, it's a tiny improvement on last time - but if I go one better every time I go out, I will be back to 5k in no time. Is that what I want? Or is it to simply keep going and stave off old age for as long as possible? 

Either works for me 

What's holding me back other than the fear of injury, is being overweight again and people laughing at my red face. So I could go out earlier and avoid the school run? Or is the truth more like no one gives a flying damn what I look like, they don't care that I'm a risible figure, or - most likely of all - they won't give me a moment's notice and why should they.  Although I do confess to being slightly judgemental when I see other runners, not so much in a derogatory way, more like I admire them for being out there and doing it.  Which is what I'm doing.