31 Dec 2019

last run of the decade!

Well, I do feel virtuous! I don't know if it was purely so I could say I ran on the last day of the decade which motivated me to get out there this morning, but out there I very much went.

Looking back through the blog I did a run on the 3rd January 2010 so it's almost a perfect 'first and last' achievement... and back then I was wrestling with the Nike+   gadget whereas now it's all mapmyrun, parkrun and Zombies Run!

3.62 miles
10m 29s a mile

It feels like the same old struggle every time I go out. I know it's good to get out there and I need to keep fit as I get old - but where is the endorphin rush? The feeling of freedom and adventure? Or am I expecting ever so slightly too much?

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