16 Mar 2019

Park run #2

Also hip flexor strain. Possibly. Dr Google suggests it'll be that.

Anyway - the parkrun was possibly the hardest run I've done in a long while. It's the same route as the first one - with a killer hill in the middle. I was n't feeling the love tbh and it was a bit of a super-human effort to get out the door - but I had forgotten how tough the thing is so I assumed I would be ok and the bottle of wine I finished off last night wouldn't affect me. I think it did...
I don't know when the results will be out but I know I wasn't last. Bottom 1/4 probably. God how I struggled.
And the near the end my right hip started hurting. It's been a bit off before but today it's proper sore - even when I'm walking. I think I need to stretch more - the 'runners' stretch' is the one I'm looking at. I doubt it's anything worse than that. But it advises not to run on it. So, that's happened.

Anyway - I am glad I went for it - I don't know if I'd braved the frankly vile weather and gone off on my own if I hadn't made the decision to double my parkrun tally.

Well done me, anyway.

A new PB: 30m 30s
305th out of 497 people
57.81% is age grade - don't know what that is
95 is gender position - 95th woman out of 217 - so above 1/2 way!

305Kath FARNABY30:30VW50-5457.81 %F95New PB!2

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