17 Jun 2018

Against the odds

Well, it was a run. I didn't use the mapymyrun app, I just did a short run - I don't even know how long it took.
It was tough - I've been drinking a lot recently - a bottle of wine a night is a lot, right? - and last night I had more than that I think. Also, there was a lot of meat involved - a huge chunk of chicken last night and bacon this morning so I feel full of food. And I have put on so much weight (see Wine and Meat) and so running is harder. Add onto that how little I've run recently - plus the absence of other aerobic activity and I am feeling very sluggish.
But at least I went for a run despite everything. And I didn't stop. I slowed right down but kept plodding away. Well done me.
Next week we're away in Scotland for a few days and I will take my running shoes and - as GB has said before - if you take them you have to use them.
So I will. And perhaps I will run one evening this week as well... and next Saturday morning before we go.
Is this really going to happen?
We shall see. (It will be marked in my bullet journal tracker)

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