26 May 2018

hero - zero - hero

Not a great start to the day, frankly. It was dull, rainy and I was up at 0545 to take bf to the station for his trip to Lords. Not Lourdes as we hilariously thought.

But I was determined to go for a run. (Looking back I can convince myself of my determination) I decided I was going to do the Eastville parkrun again - nice distance, lots of people, get a time (could I best the last time I did it? Ooo, exciting, right)

I got there early and popped into Tesco to see if they had insulated bags. (I lead an enviable life) but they didn't. So I basically paraded round Tesco in my running kit looking like a whale.

But, whatever. I went to the bottom of the car park where it's closest to the run and parked up. I was expecting other runners to be there as they were last time, but there was no one. 'It's the weather', I  thought to myself. 'Lightweights', I thought, feeling smug.

As I got ready to go up to the park there was one of those yellow AA signs pointing to 'Love Will Save the Day' a weekend festival in Eastville Park


So what did I do next? Well, I went home, fought against my own inertia and actually went for a run.

Yay me.

Very glad I did even though it felt like I was hauling a massive weight around my middle - oh, hang on, it's called my wine belly.

I really do have to get myself in hand.

2.9 miles
9m 55" per mile

It was really short - but about the same as a park run, right? (Er, no. 5k is 3.1 miles)

I so have to get myself in hand.  At least I didn't walk...

12 May 2018

Park Run

Eastville Park Run - this morning!

It was surprisingly challenging as I'd imagined a gentle, flat course around the boating lake - but no. It's a 3-lapper - one short - then a longer one around the boating lake, then another short one. And half of each lap was uphill. I did run all the way (well done me) but I was with the middle-aged and overweight (what was I expecting?)
Apparently, they send you your time and position out of the runners - I already have an idea of how useless I was. But I did it. The atmosphere was great (it was sunny which helps) and it was also a 'deaf takeover' to make Deaf Awareness Week so I was expecting several of my office colleagues to be there: there was one. I was running behind him a lot of the way and when he stopped after the first circuit to say hello to his baby I thought I could maybe perhaps make a competition of this. He did walk part of the way so obviously I reckoned this was a no-brainer...
There were photographers along the route and I had several moments of terrible self-consciousness. Not that anyone cares other than me...
And then on the final little hill before the finish straight I caught up with my colleagues who was walking and then he proposed a race - and just took off... Mortified.
So that's it - I have lost my Park Run cherry.
Will I do it again? In principle, yes - but I want to have a longer run at the weekend and it kind of interferes with that. No reason I can't run midweek of course. Apart from me being me...

30m 36s
56.92% in my age range
78th woman
282nd out of 433 runners

Fair to middling I'd say

7 May 2018

Running from tree to tree

Even though I was out of the house by 0830 it was already getting warm. Cool enough under the trees, but the heat is rising. And it's a bank holiday - potentially the hottest since someone invented this bank holiday. So I am soaking up some Vitamin D before it gets too stupidly hot.

I had to walk twice: just not in the zone (again) I reckon when I get a bit fitter I won't have that problem any more. (Convinced, much?)
I was listening to a radio play about a catastrophic loss of all electrical power - and as the power cut began - my headphones died... wooo.

4.21 miles
9m 45s
Quite pleased with that