7 Feb 2017

seriously unrunny

Well, new year's day was the last time I went for a run. And it's now 7 Feb. I keep visualising myself running (isn't that what you're supposed to do to motivate yourself?) But no matter how much I think about it - I haven't been for a run since then.
My therapist recommends running for depression (to cure it not trigger it) and my head knows it's the right thing to do. But I've moved house and it's all wrong... Except no of course it isn't 'wrong'. Something is stopping me getting out there - perhaps it's the cold, the damp, the time it takes... Perhaps I need to motivate myself, to make not running worse than getting out there.
Some of my colleagues are going to run the Bristol 10K and I may just enter but not tell anyone so when they compare times I won't feel obliged to admit to taking over an hour... 6 miles. I should do it under an hour.
Sounds like I've convinced myself.
It sounds so easy of course - but it won't be,

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