20 Jul 2015

Despite almost overwhelming odds...

...I ran this morning.
It's a Monday - I know, get me.
Well, I was simply too busy - the get-out in Sunday was a particular case in point. And on Saturday I had to wait in for a delivery

And then, on Sunday during the get-out, my big toe, right foot (yes, that big toe) was crushed under a seating rostrum. I thought at the time it was a bit hurty, but there was no blood. Not on the outside anyway - but my toenail is now quite black. Oh joy. And it hurts. But only when walking - running seems to be OK. What is it with running/walking?
Oh well.
I went v slow just in case (who am I kidding: I went v slow cos I am v slow...)

4.36 miles; 9m 55s per mile

And my toe:

ouch, right?
Crikey - I do not have photogenic feet do I...

6 Jul 2015

Once a week is not enough...

...but will I ever be motivated enough to run in the evening which is when I would have the time? Perhaps I could revert to my 1/2-marathon training routine and run at 6am... it's not impossible, but do I have the motivation? Ageing is so uncool...

4.93 mile
9m 45s per mile

So nothing spectacular - but I have to accept I'm not going to get much better without a huge change in motivation - plus it's still almost 5 miles and even if I'm going at jogging pace, it's good exercise, more than a lot of people my age do - plus I like to think of myself as a runner...

So all in all, I will keep it up - possibly treat myself to some new running kit. (Cos that will make all the difference when I'm red-faced and panting like a steam train.)