26 Jan 2015

The jogging life for me

Well, there is really no excuse not to get out there and run,. It does me more good than harm (I have to believe that...) and even though my back is not 100% it doesn't stop me running. Well, jogging. A fast saunter, really...
37m 46s
10min 3s per mile
It's better than nothing.
In reality, I am getting on which means that recovery always takes longer. Also I am putting on weight and it's getting harder to shift. And my cretinous, arthritic big toe means that there is extra train being put on various other joints.
What 'getting on' doesn't mean is that I have to give up.
So really, until I cannot put one foot in front of the other I should keep on running, and if anything up the mileage and even consider doing the Bristol 10k at the end of May - it's something realistic to aim for isn't it.

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