19 Oct 2014

Another Tech Fail

OK get these stats:
4.88 miles
37.19 mins
7min 39secs permile

I am an elite athlete...

In truth I don't think the the gps thingy had quite homed in on my position and so it possibly gave me a very flattering reading at first - in fact the first mile and a bit was run in a pace of a shade over 3 mins a mile... Still, it was quite amusing. Not very amusing, but a little

It was tiring, it was OK - my left hip hurt which I think is due to lack of mobility - I really must do those stretches I was given some years back - I'm sure they will work...

In all it was a good idea to go for a run - I do feel better - if knackered - for doing it.

5 Oct 2014

5" run

Honestly - 5 seconds. If I'm listening to redux I have to make sure it doesn't disappear when I leave wifi so I start and pause the mapmyrun thing, get the sounds going and then I start mapmyrun.
I didn't start it. I was getting concerned when I didn't get an update 1/2 way through.
Hey ho.
It was the same route as last time at I guess about the same pace.  So I'll assume it was all that.

Concerned about my stomach - it felt like it was full of lead. I know I had a bit of a hangover this morning - but it was about 4pm when I ran so that should have gone. I guess it's just that I am very unfit.
And my left hip started aching - too tight I guess - I need to stretch.