23 Jun 2013

smug ish

Been on holiday for a week in France - beautiful, rural, flat France
Went for 3 runs of about 25 mins each. It was lovely.
I wore normal Merrell walking shoes - to run in! Kerrr-azy -  I know. I got a blister in a new place but that's about all.
I love barefoot (ish) running

9 Jun 2013

3.2 miles, 30 mins

Not earth-shattering but I am very pleased with myself
Especially since I was in the minimal shoes - yay!!!

niggles: left hip, left second toe going wandering somehow, bit blistery
right foot a bit stiff, frankly.

but that's about the sum of my troubles which is good.
now I need to have the confidence to go further afield and try to build up to a 5 mile circuit which is the aim. I've read so much about too much aerobic activity does you no particular good. It's certainly not the best thing for losing weight - oh no - I have to cut down on calories to do that.

2 Jun 2013

hot as June

Well, 21 mins later and I'm having a freezing cold fizzy water - lovely.
The run was very very hard - I am very unfit.
Still in my old shoes, and my calf is a little achy now. Perhaps it's time to use the flat ones again. I will run again this week sometime and have a go in them. Perhaps 10 mins. Perhaps I can't use the flat ones at all, I just feel like the padded ones are so huge and clumsy.
Hey ho.