25 May 2013

good news, bad news

Mostly good news.

I ran for 20 mins this morning and it was fine. My calf was feeling tired but nothing scarier than that.
The bad news: I was running in my old trainers, the ones with loads of padding.
I was still trying not to heel-strike (other than going downhill...) and a bit of me thinks that the shoes only helped a tiny bit.
So perhaps the next outing will be in a minimal shoe and see how I get on.
But - yay!!!!

15 May 2013

the 10-minute rule

The plan now is to run for about 10 mins at a time - ie to avoid the inevitable pain. Hopefully this will strengthen the bits that need it and I can build on that.

So I set off for 10 mins and managed 13 - but my wretched calf was aching from the get-go. It didn't get any worse, but I'm not happy about it.   :( (see, unhappy)

1 May 2013

This is getting depressing now

I was excited about going for a run this lunchtime at work (I know that's a bit sad, but it's part of my rehabiliation into being a runner again)

But I only managed about 15mins before the calf muscle went again.

I thought I was doing everything right - running with the whole of my foot going onto the ground (not flicking off one side of my foot) I wasn't going too fast (no danger of that ever) and just enjoying the feeling of being out running on the downs in the sunshine

But I'm not allowed that little amount of pleasure; I'm not allowed to reclaim the feeling that 'I am a runner'...

I know I'm over-dramatising it all, but ffs give me a break. Am I just too old now? Is that it? Other people run into their 80s why can't I even get to my 50s without seriously wondering if my time is over?

At the risk of sounding like a stroppy toddler - it's not effing fair.*
I want to stop wanting this.

*a very sweary stroppy toddler