17 Feb 2013

I'm back

2.93 miles, 27 mins
9mins 12secs a mile
I've still got the old magic...

ok my right foot is achy when I run but that's about the worst of it, so it's not too bad.
I'm unfit of course, 1/2 an hour is about as far as I want to go for now - but I will build up on it and go longer/further...

So I need to get a 3-mile route planned as I'm bored of heading off round the same old circuit, filling in the time to make it up to 20+ mins. It'd be a lot better to have a long circuit so I can't give up 1/2 way round and cut it short. Scary.
And yet I used to run 6 miles reasonably happily. Was I thinner then? A bit. Certainly fitter. Will I get back to that state - quite possibly

Perhaps it's time to treat myself to new running kit (and ditch some of the horrible old stuff...)

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