27 Aug 2012

20 minutes

not too unhappy with a 20 minute run - did 2.32 miles which I'm quite happy about.

But today I have aching calves/calfs (carves?)
Hopefully it'll wear off and I can do another 20+ minutes tomorrow

21 Aug 2012

Tailing off...

I have been on a run or 2 since that last one, but nothing recently. Perhaps my love of running was all in my head and I only missed it when I couldn't do it and now I can, it's lost its charm...

Whatevs, I think I ought to keep it up and get back into the habit.

Actually my knees have been giving me that 'runner's knee' twinge for the past few days so perhaps it's a good thing I'm not running. And that is a good excuse.

11 Aug 2012

righteous glow

Have just pounded the mean streets of St Andrews for 11mins 36"
The weird thing is - it's my right foot which feels worse... not sure if that's to do with having weak and inflexible arches or what - but there is a definite difference and it's my right foot which is worse.

Hey ho - will try and go for a 15-min run tomorrow morning and from then aim for 3 runs a week building up to 30 mins. This week will be 15 mins, 20 the week after etc. I think that 30 mins will be good to aim for - after that I imagine that getting up to an hour will be will power rather than nurturing my feet and calfs. Calves.