24 Jul 2012

8 weeks

2 months since it was broken.

Most of the pain has gone but it's still not right: it feels like my bone is too stiff. I know they're supposed to be stiff. It just feels too long or something and it's in the wrong place.
Whatever, it's a bit hurty when I walk.

I go back to the physio next Monday and hopefully he'll put me back on track. You see what I did there. I'll get my coat.

Thing is, running's gone from my mind. I no longer think about it other than as a panacea to all the fat issues I have. There are other reasons for having fat issues but they're too complex to go into here. Suffice it to say, I'm relying on running to drop me a couple of dress sizes. 1 would be enough. And if I go hell for leather, there is a danger that I will end up doing myself another injury.
So I don't do anything, just to be on the safe side...

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