28 Jul 2012


... don't tell anyone but I went for a run this morning.

I know, I know: get me.

Well I consider it a 'run' but it consisted of less than a mile.
But it was OK.

Foot news: it's weird having to concentrate quite so hard on running properly but I think I got away with it. My foot does ache a little but in a different place - up near the ankle area - perhaps it's just the bone rejigging itself within my foot and it may take a while to settle. I will have to ask on Monday when I see the physio again

So, I shall await tomorrow with interest to see how hurty my calfs and achilles are but so far, so good.


24 Jul 2012

8 weeks

2 months since it was broken.

Most of the pain has gone but it's still not right: it feels like my bone is too stiff. I know they're supposed to be stiff. It just feels too long or something and it's in the wrong place.
Whatever, it's a bit hurty when I walk.

I go back to the physio next Monday and hopefully he'll put me back on track. You see what I did there. I'll get my coat.

Thing is, running's gone from my mind. I no longer think about it other than as a panacea to all the fat issues I have. There are other reasons for having fat issues but they're too complex to go into here. Suffice it to say, I'm relying on running to drop me a couple of dress sizes. 1 would be enough. And if I go hell for leather, there is a danger that I will end up doing myself another injury.
So I don't do anything, just to be on the safe side...

6 Jul 2012


I went back to the GP last Friday as my foot was still giving me grief: right back at the start of all this the A&E doctor had told me to go back to my GP if it wasn't better in 3 weeks. That was nearly 5 weeks before.
So I had a second x-ray which showed it was indeed a stress fracture.

Which has reassured me in several ways:
1. it explains why it was so painful for so long (but not how something too tiny to show up on the first x-ray could cause so much pain for so long...)
2. it means there is a more predictable prognosis (I think) as in it'll take 6 weeks to feel much better (that's be Monday, can't wait) and probably 6-8 before running again
3. it is healing very well

It's still a bit swollen and isn't terribly comfortable when I walk (unless I wear the trainery shoes with insoles - how elegant...) but now I can visualise what's going on in there it makes sense and it is healing OK so it's not the end of the world.

Now I have to summon up the patience to return to running gradually, and the determination not to just give up and sit on the sofa for the rest of my life...

Perhaps, as motivation, I should promise myself some (more) lovely running kit!!!
