7 Jun 2012

First physio session

I think it's getting better. It's a lot less hurty apart from first thing in the morning when I believe it's utterly shot and I will never walk again. But then I get over it and generally it only hurts if I walk too far on it or plain old forget and try to bound upstairs or something foolish.
The anticipation of pain is stopping me from using it normally, which makes everythng else tight and achy. Not helping.
I've had my physio session and have been straightened out quite a bit, so hopefully my feet will hit the ground flat in future rather than all curled up to one side (squashing the bones, causing the problem: see, it all adds up)  and I have a strapping on my foot to help my big toe joint hit the floor alongside the other toes, not 1/2 an hour later as it has been.
So, all in all, I'm feeling quite positive: when I will be running again I really don't know. I guess once I can walk without pain, I can build up to running on the spot etc. Oh, can't wait...

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