24 Jul 2011


Well, this morning's run was tough. Mostly cos of the wine last night - note to self, although alcohol has many calories they don't count as carbo-loading. I felt terrible, really slow and sluggish. Kept getting over taken by other runners (no one older or fatter than me though)
And the motivation thing is - to lose weight and fight ageing. Nothing too trivial then.

I did run last Sunday as well but I think it was a lot better...

16 Jul 2011

Och Aye x 3

Been running on Bute. Ascog, near Rothsay, to be precise.
It was bute-iful (no-one's ever made that joke before) The weather was perfect - despite packing for rain and cold it was shorts and tees all week.
The route was from our landmark trust place down to the main road then along the sea shore in either direction. There weren't many roads.
First run I went right towards Mount Stuart (a fantastic castly, gardeny place) which was OK but the pavement ran out and there was a lot of running along the edge of the road with cars coming at you round blind corners. Didn't do that one twice.
Then I did 2 runs the other way into Rothsay (as far as the small co-op to be precise) then running back - about 5.4 miles so not too shabby.
It's brilliant running alongside the sea - the air is just so clean and fresh and there's scenery to look at - just perfect really.
I'm sure it would be a different matter in the winter when you're fighting a gale and hail, but for that one week it was as near perfect as you can get...

3 Jul 2011

weighty bum

When I run, my bum feels really heavy. I guess it's because it's quite large. I know if I lose a bit of weight some will eventually go from my arse (tbh I mean haunches. Awful, awful word but descriptive and accurate)  But in the meantime I will continue to run with a slab of flab bringing up my rear.
Mmm, nice mental picture...

But the run was fine. Little bit too much dry white last night for it to feel comfy, and the weather was too hot so I had to keep crossing the road to get into the shade.
But it's done - 70 mins so probably 7 miles. And it was ok. There was a lot of mental argument going on - I really wanted to walk for a while but I just had a stern word with myself and got over it. My feet were a bit achy towards the end which wasn't very pleasant but I don't think there's an easy way around that - other than perhaps to run quite a bit more often.
Then perhaps I will achieve the lightweight bum I crave...