30 Mar 2011

Ashton Court Parkrun

Just seen this:


It's basically a 5k run every Saturday in a nice location, they time you and then you go for a cup of tea.

Sounds like a nice thing to do.

But it's 0900 on a Saturday morning which means leaving home by 815 and cycling over the bridge to Ashton Court. And then back home again.

Still it's a good incentive to go for a run I guess....

Any takers???

28 Mar 2011


After avoiding the issue all weekend, I finally went for this week’s pretentious display of middle-age denial this morning. I didn’t give myself the hint of an option not to go. Not exactly something I have been looking forward to is it.
But I dragged my screaming carcass round the downs and even took in the loop around the camera obscura which I hadn’t intended doing. Everything hurt going up that bloody hill – but it was so good to get to the top and see the view and just run down again. And as I was running downhill it struck me that a lot of the time I’m trying to brake as I go downhill which is a waste of energy, so today I just relaxed and let it happen. It felt good…
So, stats:
Dur – felt like an hour
Dist – whatever the distance is around that route
Calories – 100 per mile…
Time/mile – slowish
Fact is I didn’t use the nike + - this was pure radio one all the way round…

One of my many thoughts as I was trudging round was to rename this blog middle-aged denial, or running away from the truth about getting old. I do feel the weight of age these days – probably due to the weight of flab I carry although that’s not excessive. I haven’t lost any weight recently which is no surprise considering how lax I’ve been regarding the low-carb approach to life, but my old jeans fit better than they have for a while so I guess a lot of what’s going on is to do with getting musclier.
I can only hope… 

19 Mar 2011

Still steaming from the run...

That was very hard work...

I was buzzing from having 2 strong coffees and a toasted teacake (quite a sugar rush for me...) so I thought I would run now (Saturday afternoon) rather than wait for Sunday morning (also it's likely to be raining tomorrow)

It was an odd one - the caffeine was giving a kind of superficial energy but I was definitely lacking in proper fuel. I was feeling sick and in a cold sweat for the first couple of miles which wasn't very pleasant. I had to stop running a couple of times to cross the road which possibly helped a bit, got the blood to the right places and then I could set off again.

They say a change is as good as a rest, but frankly that's bollocks: I changed my normal route and I don't feel rested at all. Boyf dropped me off by the water tower and I went down ladies mile and clockwise round the downs, along to coldharbour rd and then kellaway avenue, glos rd and ashlety hill and sefton park road.

I'm very glad I've been and wish I was a bit keener to keep it up.

Is it going to knacker my knees and hips in the long run or make them stronger? Does anyone really know or is it the luck of the draw, joints-wise?

Anyway, the all-important stats:
59m 11s
9m 40s/mile

12 Mar 2011

Long time, no run

I have suffered...
My left thigh and hip and knee were very sore today - pretty sure it's the IT band thing again and I'm also pretty sure it will wear off if I run a bit more. In fact, once I'd gone about 4 miles it did start to feel a lot better and I have no idea what I'd done other than up the pace a little bit. I was trying to see what it feels like to run at a sub-2hour 1/2 marathon pace. And I found it was tough...

43m 32s
4.68 miles
9m 18s/mile

At least I went for a run. Hold that thought...

6 Mar 2011

bring on the excuses....

It's Sunday, it's a lovely day, and I'm not running.
Don't want to.
Can't make me.