14 Nov 2010

sunday running

OK so I was in medium condition this morning, medium weather, medium everything really. And the result - another fastest ever mile (according to Tiger Woods no less) which is quite nice, but I also probably did my slowest as well.
55mins 28secs
5.84 miles
9mins 29secs per mile
570 cals
And ipod on shuffle which threw up some weird stuff - not least of which is the spanish cd which has been on there for years waiting for me to start learning spanish. It will never happen, I know that.
I will at some point work out how fast a pace I have to run at to get under 2 hours for the 1/2 marathon - how about now...
distance: 13.1 miles, 120 minutes = 9.16 mins per mile. That is a tough call for me I think. Basically I haven't got a jot faster since I did the half in 2006... but I am 5 years older of course. And I am only running once a week. But I have been going to the gym for 14 months now so surely something should be paying off...
Hey ho.

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