29 Nov 2010

*hangs head in shame*

OK I haven't been for a run for quite a while now. This week's excuse is that it is perishing cold outside and I was concerned about hitting an icy patch, plus - this is far more serious - my house is also perishing cold and the thought of getting into running kit with my breath hanging on the air just wasn't floating my boat.

Bring on the insulation

or the summer, whichever's soonest

22 Nov 2010


Didn't run this Sunday - I was working all day (rather hard I may say) and I couldn't fit a run in - especially as I'd overslept a bit... And it was terribly cold. But it would have done me good I know that.

So - do I go for the mid-week after-work style run?
Not tonight as I have to prepare for visitors tomorrow
Not tomorrow cos of visitors
Not weds cos of working til late
Not thursday cos of... Um. Cos of...
Not friday cos it's the end of the week

looks like thursday then
We shall see.

14 Nov 2010

sunday running

OK so I was in medium condition this morning, medium weather, medium everything really. And the result - another fastest ever mile (according to Tiger Woods no less) which is quite nice, but I also probably did my slowest as well.
55mins 28secs
5.84 miles
9mins 29secs per mile
570 cals
And ipod on shuffle which threw up some weird stuff - not least of which is the spanish cd which has been on there for years waiting for me to start learning spanish. It will never happen, I know that.
I will at some point work out how fast a pace I have to run at to get under 2 hours for the 1/2 marathon - how about now...
distance: 13.1 miles, 120 minutes = 9.16 mins per mile. That is a tough call for me I think. Basically I haven't got a jot faster since I did the half in 2006... but I am 5 years older of course. And I am only running once a week. But I have been going to the gym for 14 months now so surely something should be paying off...
Hey ho.

7 Nov 2010

morning after the night before

OK I've done it before, gone running after a late night which involved a fair bit of wine - but usually I feel I'm suffering terribly - and yet this morning I didn't feel that way too much...
The first couple of miles were pretty tragic but after that I felt good. Actually good. Like I had a bit of strength in my legs (must be the gym work) and a source of energy. Didn't last very long though - but enough to get me back to where we'd left the car at 130 last night...

Stats, then
48mins 35 secs
5.21 miles
9mins 18 secs per mile
509 calories

Not unhappy with all that. Wonder if I will keep improving. At this rate I may even consider another 1/2 marathon...