21 Dec 2009

Really truly cold

Barely above freezing - gloves, shorts (huh?), fleece, etc etc
And less than 5 miles, and with a hangover.

Still, it was some kind of run, can't deny that.

I admit I'm not as fit as I was, it was hard work, but I think the calf thing is dealt with. I do get pains down the outside of my left thigh and hip now. Possibly something to do with IT band again I don't know. But I do know I need some long trousers if I'm going to keep it up.

Obviously I go so regularly now - almost twice a month - I am in danger of getting obsessed...

I have finished the 3 month gym thing and it was worth it. I've signed up for regular gymmy stuff - but I already have missed a session - as in not going 3 times a week like i thought i would. But it was snowing today and I couldn't get the car out and I was busy and a dog ate my homework...

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