27 Dec 2009

post-Christmas pre-New Year

I now have one of those nike things which tells you how far you've run and that sort of thing,

Haven't tried it out yet of course, but I may well do so tomorrow... After all this is the ideal time to work off all the over-eating, over-drinking, over indulgence of the past few days.

Haven't been to the gym since last Tuesday (it's now Sunday) so I may also have to go there tomorrow as well. hmm sounds like a lot of exercise - but I do have an awful lot to catch up on...

21 Dec 2009

Really truly cold

Barely above freezing - gloves, shorts (huh?), fleece, etc etc
And less than 5 miles, and with a hangover.

Still, it was some kind of run, can't deny that.

I admit I'm not as fit as I was, it was hard work, but I think the calf thing is dealt with. I do get pains down the outside of my left thigh and hip now. Possibly something to do with IT band again I don't know. But I do know I need some long trousers if I'm going to keep it up.

Obviously I go so regularly now - almost twice a month - I am in danger of getting obsessed...

I have finished the 3 month gym thing and it was worth it. I've signed up for regular gymmy stuff - but I already have missed a session - as in not going 3 times a week like i thought i would. But it was snowing today and I couldn't get the car out and I was busy and a dog ate my homework...

6 Dec 2009

Off and Running

Oh my god - did 5 miles or so this morning and nearly killed myself.

It was ok to begin with but then my hips and thighs and whatnot just kind of seized up and became fairly painful. I did finish though (not sure if it's a good thing to run through such agony, but we'll see tomorrow...)

So is this the start of running recovery or just another step down the road to decrepitude?
It's my birthday tomorrow so at least I have the satisfaction of knowing I've crossed into middle 40s with a gym membership I use and having just run 5 miles.