8 Nov 2009

I'm going for a run this morning and it feels like a big deal. I have a new top - get me - and it's cold and windy. I haven't run for about 3 weeks and last time my calves ruined it.

But this time, I've been working out, getting stronger (really???) and am hoping I can at least do about 3 miles without getting hurt.

Not looking forward to going out in the nasty weather though.

I did 3 1/2 miles or so and so trouble at all from my calves - result!! I also felt stronger, as in lighter in a weird way and marginally less wobbly (all good) but there was a new pain down my left leg which I'm putting down to starting to run without being all twisted round - might take a bit of getting used to - but I'm assuming it's a positive thing...

Also I felt a lot less fit than before - but then I haven't had a proper run since mid-September. Another thing to work on...

But generally, positive. Very happy. Don't want to turn into some dreadful, chair-bound slob of a middle-ager. Not that I'm much more than a couple of runs away from being exactly that.

Oh, and the new top was a triumph.

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