14 Jul 2024

Summer running...

No. of runs since seeing a badger: 1 

It was a glorious morning - the first balloons in ages drifted over the garden and I had my kit out ready to jog off into the sun.


Apart from the effort and the general pain and out of breathness. But hey ho.

5.02 km

6m 54s per km

I'm definitely getting better and losing 11 lbs has helped enormously - a few more to go and perhaps I will up my pace and distance even more. It doesn't really matter though - getting out there and doing it is what counts. 

I had a pizza with extra chorizo and a whole bar of chocolate last night with the thought that I'd run it off this morning - but I am very well aware of that fallacy. The rule of thumb is that a mile of running burns off 100 calories - I must have had 1500 minimum and didn't run 15 miles. But I feel good this morning, so well done me. 

8 Jul 2024


For some reason my last post didn't include the episode with the badger. I was 1/2 way around the Tesco's path when I saw an RSPCA officer. Someone had called them to see a badger. I've never seen a badger before - this one was sadly in the throes of dying, it was fitting and looked very wrong. 

That's badger #1. Today's badger was dead on the pavement outside 133 Bishop Road. At first I thought it was a cat warming its tummy in the sun, but no, it was stone cold dead, on its back, attracting the attention of schoolchildren. I've reported it to the council who have promised it'll be cleared within 2 days. So.

Anyway, I have lost another few pounds, about 11 in total - well done me - and I think it's made running a little bit easier. Not much - I haven't exactly been pounding the pavements so there is little to compare it with, but I didn't stop to walk so I'm pleased about that. 


7m 11 sec per km

Short because I didn't want to overdo it (lol) and I stopped for the badger.

So that's all good.