18 Oct 2022

Motivation Follows Action

Literally this is the first run I've done since the last one.


6m 55s per km

Going by the numbers, almost embarrassingly insignificant: going by my actually going out and doing it - a massive triumph, thank you. Well done me.

There were no significant hurties either - unless you count my screaming lungs while running up a gentle slope. I'm basically unfit, but by building up on these short runs that will change. I felt I could have gone further towards the end (on the flat) but in my head, I'd mapped the run and therefore I was at the end. That's another thing your mindset can do. I don't take actual pleasure in running (wish I did) but it's like a class, when you know it's coming to an end there isn't the uncomfortable option of taking it further. 

So, there it is. When I start doing 5km 3 times a week will I continue reviewing them? 

Perhaps I will just wait and see...

listened to: BBC Radio 6 Music

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