22 Jul 2022

World record

 It was officially the shortest run ever undertaken in the history of (m) short runs. 

The context: I'd booked a class at the leisure centre but got the time wrong so I missed it. I could have cycled around the downs instead, but I decided to go for a short run. Just to see how I got on. I've been having serious issues with my big toe joint (hallux rigidus) where the bony growths are becoming an excruciatingly painful nuisance. Gross, I know. And I think that's what's been making my Achilles ache even without running. So going for a run was a bit of a risk.

But - the main issue was how unfit I've got. I was out of breath, feeling like I was made of lead before I got to the end of the road. 

But I continued on my record-breaking short run 


6m 55s per km

So well done me, right

There is a thought in my head that I could do this run every day to build up to something a bit more worthwhile. The cons are the risks with my Achilles - the pros, however, are that I could build up to a 5k regular run.... Or a 10-minute run... 

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