22 May 2022

Peaked too soon?

So - I was confident setting out this morning and it was mostly fine. Until about a mile from home, my left calf began to ache. It's pretty much ok - but it's one of those niggles which make me wary of running. I'll stretch and strengthen the thing and hopefully next time it won't hurt.

I tried on my Nike shorts this morning and wondered whatever possessed me to buy them - they are so ugly - or is that just my legs?

Otherwise, unremarkable. But in truth the less drama the better... 

Listening to American Scandal about the unabomber. 


6m 52s per km.

Slower - but I went very slowly after about 1/2 way, just cos I was a little hungover and not very fit...

17 May 2022


Well, there I went. It was mostly OK but the urge to walk was (almost) overwhelming. I did slow down to a barely-a-jog pace - but oddly I was about to walk when I saw another runner coming towards me and that was enough for me to keep going. So, thank you, mystery jogger.

Consequences: tinnitus - this happens when I do exercise. It's horrible and there is nothing I can do about it.

Knees - perfectly fine

Calves and Achilles - perfectly fine

Lungs - a-bursting

Legs - tired but functional

Lessons learned - I reckon the problems I've had have come from lack of glute and hamstring strength - but also because I run without using my core. So - if I run with my core engaged, everything feels a whole lot better. So, I'll do that. It's harder work though. Get over it. 


6min 38secs per km

I am staggered by that pace. The last time I went it was 7min 05" and before that 6 min 58. So - is this actual proof that I can do this? Could I ever get to 5km without keeling over? I shall have to find another 1/2 km to add on and go for it.

The other route through the allotments (much hillier) is about the same distance - going around the downs is over 6km but I have to cycle up there. Or drive. But I don't have a car. I'm getting ahead of myself.