23 Apr 2022

I didn't walk

 4.21 km

7m 05s/km

Well, I got out there and I didn't walk at all, which is good. However, my left calf is quite painful. I guess it's an overwork thing rather than anything nasty but it's annoyed me greatly as I really hoped I could get over myself and back into regular running. My feet also hurt - possibly because I tied my shoes too tight, I don't know - and it might be a while before I can try them again. 

So, some rollering, perhaps paracetamol and hopefully it will just be passing a pain.

At least my knees are more or less cured - the rolling prescribed by the osteopath has done the trick. There is an occasional twinge but really the agonising pain causing me to groan, to crawl upstairs is pretty much gone. Yay!

13 Apr 2022

Gregorian Chant

It's been a long time coming - but it's done! 

I've been rollering my knees, guided by my lovely osteopath Mala - and they don't hurt anymore. I can go up and down stairs without wincing, without launching myself from the top, without seriously wondering if they need replacing. It's agony, rollering. The sweet spots are where it hurts the most and you go to town on them. But it works. One thing which has been instrumental to getting them in such a bad state had been the 1000s of miles of cycling like a girl. I mean, as a woman you want to cycle with your knees as close as possible, not flying out to the side like a bloke. But it stresses your knees. So now I cycle like a bloke. Eesh. 

Anyway, though - my right knee did hurt - I think I over-extended and caused a twinge which is still there now I've stopped, but it's a different pain so I think it will be OK. I will roll it in a mo. 

My calves were a bit hurty as well but just through tiredness, I think. And no Achilles drama.

I literally have no excuses left anymore.

4.36 km

6 min 58" per km

Very slow - but I don't care. There were a couple of times I was desperate to walk but I just ran at the speed of walking so I could say I ran the whole way round. It's all in the mind, right? 

And the title? They (whoever they are) say to run at the speed of chat. I was running at the speed of a gregorian chant.