31 Oct 2021

Sympathy For The Devil

 Only because it was the song I was listening to as I finished my run. It was on the Halloween playlist. And I think it goes on my Desert Island Discs playlist along with Heroes. 

So that's a roundabout way of saying I've been for a run - nearly 2 months after the last one. But it was a run. It's been tanking down on and off for the last couple of weeks so I nipped out between showers. Which means I didn't go very first thing to get it over and done with like I normally do. And I'm so glad I did.

My nudge was to put my sports bra on first thing rather than having to change into it before I went out - I hate putting the damn things on so it kind of removed that very minor hurdle.

And I didn't walk. I was so tempted as I am semi-fasting (nothing for the last 16 hours - the clocks went back last night so there is an extra hour to take into account. So well done me. 

4.72 km

6m 42 per km.

so not bad stats for me.

Plus I was in my new shoes and didn't get very painful knees (there was a bit of complaining but nothing debilitating) and my feet were ok (I have stiff arches I think - something to work on) 

So I guess I'm feeling positive about this. I've resigned from my gym (cost, don't go) so I can't allow sloth to take over. I've been to a few random classes at the sports centre so I must keep those up for strength but running would fill the aerobic gap. 

Basically I am well pleased with myself.

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