24 Aug 2021

Unfit: official

Well - it's been a long time but I have run out of reasons not to: my Achilles and calfs* are fine, the weather is lovely and I'm getting fatter. 

So I wore my old shoes - the ones I dissed for being worn out and causing foot pain as all the cushioning was flattened - and, well, they were fine. A bit flat but my lower legs were unproblematic.

But my right knee. Argh. It was hurting quite a lot and I think the issue is I over straighten my leg - if I'm more conscious of doing the basic cycling movement which Malcolm Balk taught all those years ago, there isn't a problem. But I've been conscientious about stretching my hamstrings and I might have opened up the back of my knee a nit too much. It also hurts if I do a plank and straighten my leg too far.  So it's something I need to address. I could go down the route of a brace, but that's a bit overkill I think. I need to be aware of it and not overstretch is all. 

It was a short run as I'm hopelessly unfit. but I could see myself doing the same again tomorrow and perhaps once more on Friday then think about upping the distance next week. Get me with my fitness plan despite the pain from my knee and the possibility of wearing the other shoes and getting back on the Achilles treadmill. 

So what would make a difference to my commitment? 

1. knee issues - look up the issue and see how I can improve on it

2. old-fashioned cushioned shoes rather than the semi-off road ones. In truth I got those cos I prefer the look of them. I can look up the ones I have and buy a replacement cheaper online. But only after I've done a few more runs 

3. headphones I don't need to bobby pin into my hair to stop them from falling off. Scout Amazon for cheap alternatives 


7min 01s per km

Terribly slow, but also a major achievement. 

Well done me  < patronising pat on head >

*calves? makes me think of baby cows

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