15 Apr 2021

I love Spring

 It wasn't too hard getting out there this morning: when the sun is shining everything seems a little bit easier. 

That's not to say it was easy running - I got out of breath and found even this very gentle run hard work. I guess that's the whole point. I think my benchmark of feeling better about running is when I know I won't want to walk - which is a combination of getting fitter and also having a more determined mindset. I mean, the whole point of this is well-being - mental and physical strength.

Nothing much more to say - it was a very ordinary run - my knees and Achilles behaved which was nice; the bum/glue thing wasn't an issue; the only tiny niggle was my toes jamming into the end of my shoes - so I guess that's solvable by tying my laces a bit higher up my feet. Yay


6m 40s per km 

7 Apr 2021


So, this has been brewing for a while - an April run. And it's not 1/2 way through the month yet: well done me. 

It was fine - not too cold, not too far, didn't walk. I had to tell myself that when it felt hard going, that was where the magic happened. It's a tough sell, but I didn't walk. Did I say I didn't walk?

Now - I have issues with my knees hurting a lot when I go up and downstairs: I've been to a physio and have been given many, many exercises to make them better. And I think they're working. The exercises are to strengthen my glutes, hamstrings, quads - all the bits that keep my knees on the straight and narrow. So when the stabbing agony of knee pain hit me once or twice this morning, it struck me that I don't engage my bum muscles enough to keep my knees in line. So once I consciously did that, my dear old joints were, if not fine, then a whole heap better.



6m 41s per km