17 Jul 2020

New Shoes

Again! I know - it's only 4 years since I last got some...

A lot less bouncy than the old new ones - but these are hybrid trail/road runners. (The proof is the tiny blob of mud on the sole) The old ones were getting very smooth and slippery - and these are grippy and will get me through the muddy winter. Yay!
Also, they don't look like Day-Glo bumper cars like many of the others I was offered: I mean, please, who would wear those monstrosities?

Saucony Trail. Perhaps I will get sponsorship for promoting their product. It's unlikely, I'm no influencer

5.29 km
6m 30s min/km

Although I really wanted to walk, I applied the principle that walking is a choice, not compulsory (unless you have stress fractures) So I did slow down to a snail's pace but I kept running. It wasn't lovely: I don't do this as a hobby. I wish it was more of a compulsion but it's not - it's a pragmatic approach to keeping fit while also getting some vitamin D.

And it's the first time I've run twice in a week.

13 Jul 2020

brambles and enlightenment...

...title of your sex tape...  (apologies - blame  brooklyn nine nine)

So - today's run provided:

  • bramble scratches which have left an actual trail of blood down my arm - proud war wounds
  • running in a vest rather than trying to cover up (but it's a loose vest which does the job)
  • and enlightenment - nothing particularly useful, just the observation than giving in to the overwhelming need to walk (which happened at the highest point of the run) is akin to giving in to the urge to snack when you're trying to lose weight. It all counts, everything is a decision you make, everything has consequences. The challenge is to balance that temporary relief against the consequences. OK if the walking thing means you avoid vomiting or fainting then fine, but giving in cos you're a bit tired isn't - slow down to almost walking because once you walk once it's too easy to walk again. Plus it passes, the run will end, there is a meal to come later, there will be downhills ahead. 
You're welcome

5.3 km
6.34 min/km