29 Mar 2018

The leggings are in...

... and they are awesome.

£95 new - £40 off ebay.

Now I feel motivated, enlightened and fit and sharp and gorgeous...

or - just £40 lighter and still waiting for the rainy hail to give over and I can try them out.

25 Mar 2018

Day 1. Again

I ran this morning – further than I have for quite some time. Well done me. The reason was that I’ve decided to do the Bristol 10K in May. It gives me about 7 weeks to up my miles.
But it’s more than just an event to aim for: it’s motivation to overhaul my whole physical and mental well-being. So no pressure there then.
I have put on weight (have I mentioned that???) through over-eating and over-drinking. The part-time months have left me lazy. So now I’m working back full time I want to get back to being and feeling like the person I am.
It’s going to be tough. It’s only 430pm and I’m considering heading up to the shop to get a bottle of wine for the evening. It’s a bad idea.
How much do I want to start this journey?
I’ve been gathering inspirational sayings
1.     Motivation follows action
2.     Everything counts: every bite, every step, every sip

I reckon every extra stone in weight adds an extra minute a mile on pace: so if I was to lose the weight I could conceivably run 9-minute miles. Quite a challenge but it was a realistic aim until I had the stress fractures (mind, I was also very much younger then...)
But – every journey starts with the first step (I’ll put that as number 3) and today is just me stepping out the door…

4.18 miles
10m 01s per mile

11 Mar 2018

Day 1

It's 0744 and I have already been for a run. Well done me, right!

It was OK - the hardest part was getting out the house yada yada yada

3.07 miles, 9m52s a mile so not too shabby

I think I almost enjoyed the first bit, even the hill (slight slope) - the difficulty is when I get a bit tireder and the weight starts being an issue. I guess when I was thinner I could run further before this became an issue. So I have to lose the weight

Easy, right.

But at least it's started.

10 Mar 2018


Tomorrow I begin to change my life. Not 'Tomorrow my life changes' - I am doing this.

Starting with a run - nothing special, just the first in this new chapter.

And then I build up to starting my new job early on Monday morning. 

I have been bidding for some leggings: on paper, they are my perfect running kit: zero gravity leggings They are very, very expensive. On eBay I bid  up to £25 but am already outbid. I'm glad: I didn't like them when I tried them on. I am still too fat to wear anything so beautiful.
So basically I have £95 to spend on new kit once I'm under way again

So there it is.
Ready to go.
