28 Aug 2017

A dreamlike state

If only.

Still - a run is a run. And I managed to go a little over the 5k distance. (Distances sound better in km - the numbers are bigger...)

Not fast, not spectacular other than nearly face planting the pavement for no apparent reason. And sweating so much that a kindly lady near the church felt sorry for me.

It may be the beginning of my new push to get fit again. I have a journal to fill out with my goals and what have you - one of which is to lose weight and this includes getting fitter. Perhaps with the right push it will motivate me to persevere.

'Motivation follows action'

22 Aug 2017

oh, the effort...

I haven't been for a run for weeks and I have put on weight and generally not taken very good care of myself. So it was a struggle to go out for a run this Saturday. A proper, hardcore struggle.
I knew I wasn't going to go far or fast but I wasn't expecting the sheer agony of rudely-awakened muscles the next day...

It's almost enough to make me question (ever) venturing out again - but all the advice is that it gets easier. Do I believe that? I still view myself as someone who runs - self-delusional perhaps - so I have to get out and actually pound the streets from time to time. A parkrun? never done one, no reason not to start this week. It's 'only' 5km...

Stats from Saturday... unavailable right now cos Mapmyrun has got some interminable advert for Fred Olsen Cruises which has crashed... 

Ah, here goes - 2.04 miles in 20m 24s exactly 10-minute miles...

But that's only just over 3 1/4 km... perhaps I will have to build up to a 5km parkrun...
I can't believe I'm thinking that... I once ran a 1/2 marathon you know