24 Jan 2016

not exactly impressive but...

... it was a run in anyone's book. I tried putting it off as long as possible but the damn thing wouldn't go away.
So I went. It was very warm today which was odd.
But it's done and it's earned me an afternoon on the sofa admittedly doing 1/2 worky things but that's ok. And there are baked potatoes baking for later and all is good with the world.
Apart from the headache, the aching muscles, the blistery little toe and so on.
No, it's all good.
Mostly good.

10 Jan 2016


Running in the evening. Unusual. Out of character.

Still, a run's a run. And this one was fine. Far better than I'd feared. I am quite pooped now but I'd spend all afternoon watching a film, feeding tiny bits of wood into the fire. It was a full time job as the wood was all too long and needed feeding in bit by bit and they were spitty so there was a constant need to be on spark watch. And there was the issue of burning through this wood at such a pace that we kept on having to get more. It's a grubby business.

But I did go for a run.


6 Jan 2016

Happy New Year

Hmm. I did run on New Year's Day which is a thing. It was OK. I guess I am running out of excuses not to run. Although one of my colleagues said 'running's bad for you - knees' yesterday and he's a bit right. But then doing no exercise is far, far worse for your joints. And I do gym and cycle and yoga from time to time so I'm not going to use him as an excuse.

I'm not going to set targets or anything this year (have I ever?) just go out there as and when and enjoy it as far as that can happen. If I sign up for a 10K or half marathon then so be it.
But I doubt that I will...