27 Sept 2015

Gardening + running = knackered legs

I do like gardening - although not while the place is still a building site - with no change in sight tbh.
It was the autumn clear-out yesterday - lots of lavender to cut down, weeds to pull, perennials to tidy, that sort of thing. Lots of ground-level working, lots of working those leg and back muscles.
So when I got up this morning I was stiff and achy. But like a true hero I went for a run anyway...
(too dramatic??)

4.36 miles
9m 51 per mile

So nothing particularly good other than the amazing achievement of getting out there for a run. The weather was gorgeous which helps and I was quite early (got back about 9am) and it was all OK.
Really, it was ok. Nothing hugely painful and I didn't feel like giving up.
So, proof if proof were needed that I don't have to run every day - once a fortnight is more than often enough.
no... wait...

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