17 Aug 2015

somehow it's getting tougher...

I'm not pushing myself any harder - and yet...
Perhaps it's like watching the minute hand going round the clockface of your life - you don't really notice you're ageing, but all the evidence is there if you look closely enough

top metaphor

4.43 miles
9min 42 per mile

But i spent the rest of yesterday feeling knackered and i fell asleep watching Orange is the new Black at 8 o clock. and then again at 20 past 8 for an hour...
I have many more episodes to watch and I'm running out of time to watch them all...

12 Aug 2015


Can't even remember running  - I think it was Saturday cos it was going to be a pigging hot day and I thought it would be best to get it out of the way before gardening all afternoon
And I was v slow.

Usual route - 4.4 miles
10min 01 per mile
So slower than normal

2 Aug 2015

Odd run...

So why didn't I run last weekend? Was away on Friday night, bit meh on Sunday... Wish I had a better excuse...

Anyway - didn't want to run today either but because I put my kit out last night I was kind of whittling away at my excuses not to.

So I did.

And the 1st bit was really very fast - and I have no idea why or how...

4.5 miles
9min 25 a mile (so quite fast for me...)
but then the 1st mile was 8 mins 15 per mile... I wonder if there has been a glitch cos I have never knowingly run so fast. Well, relatively fast. For my age. etc.

but - run: done.