30 Jun 2014

2 runs

1.41 miles @ 9min 58 and 2.6 miles at 9min 30

Really quite happy with those runs... The second one I think I could have gone further but I didn't want to push it
I'm quite surprised I'm still doing 9mins 30 pace as I feel slow (I know it IS slow, I'm not deluding myself) but I hope I can keep up this improvement. Must run more than once a week I guess.

Injury news - nothing to do with running but I've pulled a muscle in my hip - I think it's the abductor - it hurts when I turn corners or go upstairs anyway. It's stopping me walking and cycling today but I guess it'll be ok in a day or so. It just hurts and I am fed up with being in pain from injuries...

4 Jun 2014

Not there yet...

I'm not exactly throwing myself into the return to running am I? I still have an idea that some sparkly new clothing might make all the difference, but I am fooling myself
I have a bad back which doesn't help - but all such things are connected...
I hurt my foot cos I was running a bit twisted which meant I cycled more than walked to work which exacerbated the (possible) cause of the bad back which is that my saddle was too high so that when I was going uphill, at the bottom of the pedal my lower back was twisting slightly to get the power on...
So, if the saddle height is the cause of all this, it would explain the stress fracture, the hurty foot and the bad back.
If this is the case, then everything is solved. If only everything in life was that simple...