19 Jan 2014

pushing it now...

Well, at least it was a run. It's been a long time since the last one so I went for it a bit. It was a nice morning - cold but really sunny. Perfect.

stats - 4.45 miles in 40mins 37 secs
9mins 07secs a mile - pretty good for me

So the big question in my mind anyway is - can I get to do 5 miles in 45 mins? On paper perhaps I could. Perhaps I am kidding myself.

5 Jan 2014

I thought this was supposed to get easier...

3.8 miles at 9mins 11 a mile.

Not a bad pace but bloody hell it was tough. I know I've put on weight and it's really taking its toll.
I need to get out 2 or 3 times a week for any improvement to be made (but it's soooo cold out there I find it hard to get motivated)
I also have to believe that it's doing me good. I have a feeling that it's not helping me at all - not to lose weight cos I don't run enough plus there is the issue of injuries which I'm getting quite paranoid about...
I guess I just need to get over myself and get on with it. It's hard work, of course it is, but once I get up to a comfortable 5 miles at that pace I can begin to bed it into my regime. (why I can't do that NOW I have no idea)