17 Apr 2012


After yesterday's enormous effort in running for 31 mins, I actually feel ok today. Legs not hurting, achilles quite benign.
Perhaps I can run further, longer etc etc and perhaps - just perhaps - I will get to use my smashing Merrell minimalist running shoes for something other than cycling to work in...

Oh, I must get a loose top to disguise the wobbly bits. More shopping-related incentives to run more!

16 Apr 2012

puff pant wheeze

3.27 miles
30mins 58 secs
9.48 mins per mile which is about 9 mins 30 a mile - not too bad considering:
1. I'm still doing funny running
2. I haven't really run any distance for about 6 months
so really, I'm not too downhearted, except that I was so knackered and I felt like I'd eaten a huge sandwich just before setting off, but the fact is I hadn't.
I think I'm just very very very unfit compared with how I was running before
Also - I whacked my kneecap over the weekend and it is now excrutiating to go upstairs - I'm hoping it's only to do with the kneecap-whacking rather than any lingering problem with running

So - after a mere 2 and a bit weeks, I've done a run. Hurrah!!!