20 Nov 2011


I know it's been ages since I last ran - and I did have a couple of gin and tonics last night - but my god I suffered this morning. I amazed myself by going for the full run but by the last couple of miles I was knackered. This new running style is OK but I think I'm still getting used to it. And my calves/calfs were aching again. But I have to hold onto the fact that running is better for me than not running. So I should do more of it!

8 Nov 2011

Killer calves. Calfs?

My lower legs are still killing me to the extent that it's hard to stand up without looking like an ancient.
I know the cure for this is to do more of it and keep doing it until it stops hurting - but that kind of goes against the grain for someone only interested in fast results.

6 Nov 2011

Lost runs

I have run since the last post - the one about the art of running - and I thought I'd blogged them, but apparantly not.

So, the week after, I did a run with my new-found skills and it's true - you can run with less effort which is nice. But it's a bit slower. And the nike+ will have to be re-calibrated as I think my stride length is a lot less.
So, it makes my feet ache and my calves tired cos this is where all the bounce is coming from. It make sense though. And my left hip didn't hurt anything like as much. Result...

And today's run - which was in lovely sunshine over the downs and across the bridge - was fine. I thought I might have forgotten how to do this technique - and there were times I felt I was losing it, but remembering to keep all the action under your body (rather than striding out ahead) seems to work. And I think I was using my glutes a bit better as well.
So I shall just wait for the aching lower legs to begin, tomorrow morning I imagine - just as I get on my bike to cycle to the gym...

So at least I've broken my duck of not running for 3 weeks which is the longest I've left it for quite a white. Whether I will go for evening runs this week or not remains to be seen. Frankly going out into the cold of a November evening is not my idea of fun. But think of all the mince pies which I can snaffle with no regret...


*thinks about mince pies*