11 Sept 2021

unfit: official_2

Well if I thought I struggled last time, I was so much worse this morning. A short, mostly flat run, and I walked several times. I know you need to go through this in order to get fit, but it makes life feel unfair.

OK - there has been a bit of wine and a lot of food over the last couple of days which doesn't help, and I am in the denial stage of wanting to lose weight and get fitter, so I'm not helping myself much.

And then there is my right knee. Is it trying to tell me to stop running? It hurts but not all the time and doesn't ache when I stop. I think it's the over-extending thing again - perhaps a brace would make a difference? Thing is, I don't want to fork out for one if it's not going to help. (Actually, they're not that expensive...) 


7min 5s per km - well, there was a lot of walking... 

I know it's better than loafing on the sofa (of which I have done a lot) Perhaps I could do the strengthening exercises the physio told me to do all those months ago - I might not be in this state now if I had persevered. It was no quick fix though and I'm afraid perseverance is not a strong point with me...  'Sow', 'reap' spring to mind