28 Jul 2018

Precipitation or perspiration?

3.88 miles
10m13s pace
It's not getting any easier. Apart from the temperature being much lower than for the past few months - that helped enormously and I know I'm going against popular opinion, but it's a relief...
Anyway - there I was jogging away when it started to rain. It hasn't rained for weeks and weeks. So I had to pop my phone into my waistband - and then got concerned that it would get humid anyway... Dilemma. But not exactly serious, right.. .
I am concerned also - more so - that the HRT I've begun is making me put on weight: in theory this doesn't happen, age makes you do that. But in the 4 weeks I've been on it I have put on 2lbs without changing anything. So it looks like I will have to be on a permanent diet and up the exercise in order to maintain a steady weight. And some days I feel like giving up.
And I think I have a verruca which is making my toe hurt.
Life doesn't get any easier does it

22 Jul 2018

I am awesome

Well, not to blow my own trumpet or anything (I don't have one) but I ran this morning and actually - get this - put on a little extra loop right at the end.
I know.
4.42 miles
10m 9s

So not very awesome really, but it's a state of mind. And possibly something to do with deciding (again) that I have to get my health in order. There are things I need to do more of, things I need to start doing and things I need to stop.

In my head I am a runner. In reality, running less than 5 miles every other weekend does not a runner make.  I am not fit enough to really enjoy running. Oh, I read somewhere about the 'runners' high' and how it is a real thing - but you have to run an awfully long way to feel it. Not less than 5 miles.

So is this yet another New Start'? Time will tell. Except it's up to me, not time.

I have begun a Bullet Journal: I'm tracking the things I want to do more of: yoga, run, gym, AFD, I think there's an affirmation page as well - don't do much of that. The thing about these journals is they're a bit addictive - you design pages for projects, for a daily diary, monthly lists and so on. And there is an index which is the equivalent of pockets in dresses - so useful you can't believe you never did it before.

15 Jul 2018

running backwards

So - new leggings (sweaty betty sale) - very nice. I also got SB socks - 'technical'socks n fact - but they were a disappointment - a waste of £15 (I know - what was I thinking?) Basically they were slippery inside my shoes and my toes jammed into the end and bruised my toenail. Snowflake problems.

Anyhoo. At least I ran. It was OK - one of those times I got the kit out the night before and didn't give myself the option not to go. And in that sense, it very much worked. Also, I decided I would just go for a jog, no pressure. The lady on Mapmyrun said my pace was about 10mins 18. So a bit lame, but I can't dwell on that.

New leggings were a triumph as well so that's made me very happy.

3.16 miles
10m 10s per mile

How the actual Hell did I ever do a 1/2 marathon in a little over 2 hours?

1 Jul 2018

Post holiday run

I've been up in Scotland - near Oban - for the past week. It was awesome: a whole week with good friends, lots of wine and lots of food. And very little exercise other than wild swimming in the sea loch which our house overlooked. Goodness, it was cold - but so stimulating: I felt refreshed and alive coming out of it. There were jellyfish floating around but nothing that could kill you...

There was no running despite taking my kit: this was mainly due to the steepness of the surrounding hills and the roads which were too dangerous to run along.

But I did a hill climb from the back of the house up about a mile and a half of stupidly steep hills but with an amazing view from the top. We climbed 732 feet which felt quite a long way.

Today's run - with the added handicap of all that food and wine over the past week:
3.92 miles
pace - 10 mins exactly
So it was a run and I know I have to keep at it before it will do me any good at all. But with a couple of those a week, plus the gym and the 16:8 I believe I will lose the flab I've gained over the past year.