20 Feb 2018

it's getting warmer

For the first time this year I've got back in from a run and not felt the need to leap in the shower and get warmed up. In fact it's positively balmy out there today.

My choices of exercise today were running or the gym. And I made the right choice I think: I was listening to the Girl on the Train and have 30 mins or so left - so I will walk into work and listen to the rest of it rather than cycle in via the gym. Genius.

An average run.

Nothing special - nothing hurt until I got back and tried going up and down stairs and my knees kicked in. I hope there's nothing properly wrong with them - I think it's an inflammation of the tendon lying underneath my kneecap - so I am stretching my quads and possibly taking a few NSAIDs.

What I don't want to think about today: just how much harder it is to run with an extra stone of flab to carry.

18 Feb 2018

What don't you want to think about?

Just throwing this out there

What don't you want to think about?

Asking this gets to the very heart of who you are. What - or who - are you hiding from?

Mine is: getting old: a huge part of me thinks it's never going to happen so there is no point thinking about it, the rest knows it is happening right now, and that scares me

17 Feb 2018


Kind of awesome anyway. More  like 'adequate', to be honest

The usual route - and along the way I noticed a couple of possible back lanes I could try out next time. Always good to have something novel to look forward to...

It was hard persuading myself to go - I was sure the left achilles thing might kick in again - and my right ankle is still a bit iffy from the twist the other day. But it was fine. The biggest struggle is carrying the extra flab

I'm not overly impressed.

I know I have to keep going and - as long as I don't get injured - it will get better, I will be fitter and more importantly, I will enjoy it more.

3.11 miles
9m 52 pace

30 mins - it feels tough. I am useless on the hills (but I know that's where the magic happens...) I can't believe I ever used to run for over an hour. I used to go before work - about 0615 in the Summer - and run for about 7miles. But as soon as I'd done that 1/2 marathon all that stopped. Then I did the forefoot running thing, got 2 stress fractures and tbh the love left me. I still want to go running - it's something that kicks in quite often - Jasper in Canada for one thing. And Whitstable. So I will keep battling away. I think I also need to address the faffing around that goes into it - the kit and the amusements seem to make a big deal out of something which isn't all that.

5 Feb 2018

1 year, 1 stone later

So today appears to be the anniversary of achieving my slimmest state in decades. To mark the occasion I weighed in at exactly 1 stone more. Over 9st. This time last year I was contemplating seeing if I could just tip under the 8st mark, just to feel what it was like...

This morning's run then. It's a nice morning - cold but sunny. I had a good play to listen to - about the aftermath of the Great Escape - didn't think I would be as engaged as I was tbh. My achilles was a bit dodgy after 20 mins or so, so I was taking it v easy in the hope it would just wear off. Then I slipped off the pavement waiting to cross the road and snagged my left ankle. It didn't seem like anything much - but I think it is. It hurts now and I feel like an old woman.

This is going to be a pivotal week in my life: I start back down the weight-loss route, I have a job interview which if I don't get, I will resign. Quite dramatic, possibly stupid - but I am tired of spending a good part of my working life feeling panicked, stressed and depressed. I'm in the very privileged position of having no mortgage and no dependents so really it's only my life I'm risking.
If I get the job - less running;  if I don't, I can spend the rest of my running years trying to keep on the road.

3.09 miles
10m 05s a mile

2 Feb 2018

Anatomy of a run

It's 8am on a non-work day although I have a list of worky things to do regarding a job interview on Tuesday
I have a graze on my knee (I know, how old am I?)
I am concerned about the potential Achilles problem - also considering perhaps stretching the thing like you're supposed to?
Another alternative is to go to the gym and use the cardio things there (eyeing up the rowing machine to get an all-over sweaty glow)

And yet I am still in my dressing gown trying to make a decision.

Full disclosure: I don't want to exercise. It hurts. It makes me red-faced and knackered. I feel like people are laughing at me for daring to go out in lycra at my age and current wobbliness.

There is a 3rd way - stay in the warm, prepare for the interview. Go for a coffee and read my book. Clean the house. Start on the garden clearance.

And then I get a shot of reality - I can do all those things AS WELL AS GO FOR A RUN

It's now 0811

It's 1003 and I did option 2...
I drove to the gym (bad idea - nowhere to park) and did the usual stuff with the heavy things and then did 20 mins on the rower. 143 calories later and I'm back. I took it stupidly easy on myself, only gradually upping the difficulty - but if I do it again I will start higher. It was OK - 'meditative' as lovely Ross described it. I was listening to a play - could manage some music I think.
And although I thought I was taking it easy (I was) I felt quite wobbly driving back so I guess it's doing something.

Will it be a regular thing? My half-arsed plan was to replace my regular pre-work coffee with a 20-minute row - saving £2.52 and working off 140-odd calories. What's not to like? (Losing my beloved pre-work coffee for one thing)

So that's it - the start of a new era of self-improvement? Or a one-time flash in the pan.
I guess that choice is up to me...

Here's possibly (definitely) my very first link:
Bitterly true-isms from the truth potato