18 Apr 2017

Back on track.

Well, back on the road/pavement etc etc

Not proud of my record this year - it seems to get harder all the time. But it's more mental than physical. Or perhaps I just have to accept I'm getting older and it will get tougher to keep going. But that's not the issue. The point is getting out there and 'enjoying' it. I do get the feeling of freedom and achievement though. And that is enough. Any more than that is pushing it - but then I do have the old '5% extra' thought along the way which gives me a little bit extra in reserve.

My bloody app - it doesn't seem to save my runs. The last one was 11 March - which is truth is the last time I ran - but I definitely saved yesterday's. I know it was over 10 mins a mile but there was a nice route I wanted to have a look at today.
Technology - it can be amazing but sometimes it just shortens your life,