9 Apr 2014

enough is enough

It's now 18 days since it started hurting and it's still hurting. Oh, to be honest, on some days the pain is a different sort, in a different place, but it's still a pain...
The physio got my foot back on straight so I can now put it flat down on the ground. But  I think that might have increased the irritation on the nerve or something. And now there are shooting pains going into my ankle.
I've booked into the doctors this afternoon so perhaps they might be able to shed some light on it. Perhaps they will tell me to get the weight off it for a few days - that'll be interesting. Anti-inflammatories, that sort of thing.
Hey ho. I think I'm fairly confident it's not a stress fracture.
And that's the good news...

7 Apr 2014

16 days later...

...and the pain is still there
I'm going to see the physio in an hour or so, but that's not going to cure it. Hopefully it'll straighten me out enough to stop it happening again and I can resume running with confidence...
In the meantime it's bloody painful. I keep thinking it's worn off then I walk funny on it and it's off again. I would be very happy for it not to hurt at all for a while...

emotional level: glum