29 Sept 2013

Since the last time...

No more runs. My left achilles really hurts.

I was going to run this morning but even as I tried to jog over to the car (I was going to go round the downs with a thought to doing it from work) - and my achilles hurt so much I knew it was stupid to go for a run.
And I feel so fat - despite the 16:8 which I've been doing for a few months now - I still weigh about the same as I ever did. I know I overeat and drink too much wine - but ffs this is me standing still, not shifting an ounce.
What with that and the arthritis in my toe I feel ancient. Fat and middle-aged. And I have the world's troubles on my shoulders to deal with as well.

Fuck it - I'm going to Boston for a coffee and a bacon sarnie.

8 Sept 2013

Long run

5.42 miles
bother - didn't stop the clock properly.
how incredibly annoying
I think I did 5 in 45. I believe I did 5 in 45. I really think I was back in about 43 mins... Oh how I wish I had stopped the clock.

Route - I was dropped off on the downs so I did a circuit and came back.

left achilles - I have to make sure I get my heels down as I run. I concentrate on using my knees rather than just my feet. I hope it's working.
Left lower back - it's really quite painful. I might even go back to the osteopath. I guess getting into yoga more regularly will help as well.

But I've gone further than for a long long time.
And it's very hard work